Does It Really Matter What I Drink My Coffee Out Of?

What you use to drink your coffee out of can make a difference to the taste!

Yes it is true, what you use to drink your favourite cup of coffee can make a difference to the taste, most people put a lot of thought into how they like their coffee & which brand to use bit not many people know that your favourite cup may not be the best one to use. Plastic, paper & foam cups are the worst offenders for ruining the taste of coffee as all of these can add their own flavours to the coffee out of the materials they are made of so completely changing the taste. More importantly there is some debate over whether or not some of the toxic materials are released into the coffee because of the temperature of the water.

The best cup or mug to use is a porcelain one, as it is not porous it holds the heat for much longer and preserves the taste. Porcelain is the only way to have a cup of coffee tasting as good as it should & as they can be reused they are environmentally friendly. It makes no real difference what the size or shape is, that is a personal choice and as there are so many shapes & sizes available for not much money you are bound to find one to make the perfect cup of coffee in.

Another tip for a great tasting coffee is to wash the cup/mug regularly & properly, rings around the cup will affect the coffee taste,a build up of coffee will result in the oils in the coffee transferring to the next cup giving an oily look to the top of the coffee. So be sure to wash out your cup properly with hot water & detergent, do not just rinse it out.

If you are travelling and have a flask with you then ideally you should also have a stainless steel cup as again it is not porous so will retain the heat & flavour of the coffee. So if a porcelain cup or mug is not available then stainless steel is the next best thing. At the end of the day a lot of it comes down to your taste buds & whether or not it is just a quick caffeine rush or a relaxing coffee everyone will have a preference. I know people that have one mug for there coffee & swear drinking out of any other cup just doe not taste right.

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