Cooling Off In Apartments or Rentals

You sit in your favorite recliner, the sweat running down your back as you fan yourself with the newspaper. "Blast this 100-degree heat and humidity," you think to yourself. "If only I had some air conditioning, this wouldn't be so bad." This is the plight of anyone who lives in an apartment or a rental home during the height of summer. Who wants to invest money in a permanent air conditioner that you will need to leave behind when you move out? Well, there is finally a great solution to this dilemma: get a portable air conditioner. You will be able to cool off in your apartment or rental home, and then when you are ready to leave, your handy portable air conditioner can come with you, too.

One of the nice features of portable air conditioners is that you can find them in several sizes, so you can get just the right one to meet your cooling needs. If you have a small place, there are portable air conditioners that can beautifully cool 200 square feet. For larger areas, you can find great portable units that will maintain a comfortable temperature in 500 square feet, and any range in between. As the name implies, these air conditioners can move because they have coasters on the bottom that allow them to roll effortlessly from place to place. If you want to cool the bedroom at night, and an office area in the morning, you can do it all with a portable air conditioner.

If you have allergies, then air quality is a huge issue for you. Many portable air conditioners can actually improve the air circulation in rooms with poor ventilation, and can use ionizers and filters to trap impurities from the air. Dehumidifiers are also available in some units.

Some of the portable air conditioners are very small, and run very quietly, which is a plus if you have it in the bedroom and you are trying to sleep. They come in manual and remote control varieties.

A permanent air conditioner can be a big power waster. In contrast, you will enjoy cost savings due to the efficient manner in which portable air conditioners function. Many recycle the moisture captured in the room, and use that water to cool the cooling coils. This helps the unit to run more economically, because it is not over-taxed by the demands placed on it.

Probably the best part of having a portable air conditioner is the fact that when you decide to move out of your apartment or rental home, the air conditioner will be going with you. No more money down the drain--now your super-functional portable air conditioner is yours to keep.

Susan Slobac has been a home improvement and appliance professional for many years. She is featured in many publications as being an expert in appliaces such as air conditioners, portable air conditioners and home appliances