Microwaving Babies Formula - Good or Bad

There are both arguments for and against eating babies milk in microwave ovens. The main benefit of heating baby formula in your microwave is quite simply the convenience of being able to do so.This also means that both parents can take it in turns to do those night feeds.

So why has something so simple and so easy as microwaving babies formula caused so much controversy over the past twenty or so years?

There are many theories on this, but two of the most compelling are that when the Russians' banned microwaves during the cold war they spread propaganda saying they were dangerous and that microwaves cook unevenly, which puts hot spots into the milk and could cause scolding to your baby.

The Russians' banned microwave ovens claiming they were highly dangerous and that they destroyed the food prepared in them. There claim was that microwaving milk caused some of the amino acids to be converted to carcinogens, which could attack the bodies immune system. They have though never come up with any documents or experiments to support this.This along with several other unsubstantiated claims lead the Russians' to ban microwave ovens in 1976. The research had reportedly been conducted in the 1950's! How much of this was to do with the cold war and Russian Governments not wanting its people to have these products of Western decadence I don't know. Microwave ovens though are on sale across Russia and the rest of the former Soviet republics today and are becoming as much a part of there culture as they are a part of Western culture.

There is evidence that microwaving any products causes there to be both hot and cold spots. This is simply down to the way microwaves cook food and the heat can be dispersed by stirring the food or in the case of babies formula the bottle can be shaken to disperse the heat.

Microwave ovens today can be programmed so that the most cooked products can be zapped at the touch of a button. The thing that must be remembered is that the product can keep cooking for a couple of minutes once it is removed from your microwaves. The great advantage of a microwave when heating babies formula is that mom can have a rest at night whilst dad heats the formula and feeds baby.

The debate continues and really it is down to the individual to make up your own mind if you want to microwave the formula or not.

Bought to you by Rossgo of http://www.everythingmicrowaves.com